Approved Courses for the Certificate in Archaeology


ANTHR 219 - World Prehistory

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) A survey of the archaeological evidence for human cultural evolution.

ANTHR 256 - Alberta Archaeology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Introduction to Alberta's past as reconstructed by archaeology.

CLASS 254 - Introduction to Greek Art and Archaeology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Survey of the art, artifacts, and monuments of the Ancient Greek World. Formerly CLASS 252.

CLASS 255 - Introduction to Roman Art and Archaeology 

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Survey of the art, artifacts, and monuments of the Ancient Roman World. Formerly CLASS 252.

EAS 221 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-3) Background to the principles of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. Lectures emphasize the theoretical and methodological underpinnings, labs impart the technical aspects through hands-on experience with appropriate software. Prerequisite: Any 100-level Science course. [Faculty of Science]

EAS 222 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentation 

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-3) Origin of sedimentary materials; sedimentary processes; sedimentary structures, textures, and flow regimes; properties and classification of clastic and non-clastic rocks; sedimentary environments and facies in non-marine, coastal and marine settings; principles of stratigraphy, stratigraphic nomenclature and the stratigraphic column. Prerequisite: One of EAS 101, 103, 105 or 210. [Faculty of Science]


ANTHR 303 - History of Anthropological Archaeology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) A survey of the development of theory and method in anthropological archaeology. Prerequisites: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years. Note: Not open to students with credit in ANTHR 481.

ANTHR 311 - Archaeology of Indigenous North America

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) This course provides an archaeological perspective on the deep Indigenous histories of the lands currently known as North America and discusses how archaeology can respectfully engage with Indigenous peoples in ways that move toward decolonization. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department.

ANTHR 312 - Lower Palaeolithic Prehistory

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Development of prehistoric culture in Europe, Africa and Asia during the Lower Palaeolithic. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 313 - Middle and Upper Palaeolithic Prehistory

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Development of prehistoric culture in Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 390 - Human Osteology**

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-3) Lecture and laboratory study of human skeletal biology, emphasizing the identification of bones and an understanding of human functional anatomy. Prerequisite: ANTHR 209 or consent of Department.

CLASS 354 - Topics in Greek Civilization*

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Examination of one aspect of the Classical Greek World. (Emphasis in any one year may be archaeological, historical or literary.)

CLASS 355 - Topics in Roman Civilization*

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Examination of one aspect of the Classical Roman World. (Emphasis in any one year may be archaeological, historical or literary.)

CLASS 356 - Topics in Ancient Art

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Examination of one aspect of art in the Greco-Roman world. Prerequisites: CLASS 254 or 255.

CLASS 399 - Topics in the Ancient World*

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) 


ANTHR 407 - Paleopathology**

 ★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 2-0-1) A detailed survey of disease processes in antiquity as expressed in skeletal and preserved tissues. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 443 - Juvenile Osteology**

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 2-0-1) Study of the juvenile skeleton, treating development and identification of juvenile skeletal elements. Other topics include the theory and practice of determining juvenile age at death and the study of juvenile health and childrearing practices in past populations using skeletal remains. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390, or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 464 - Chemical Analysis of Bone**

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Survey of current research on the stable isotope and a DNA analysis of archaeological human and faunal remains. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390, or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 468 - Fundamentals of Archaeological Mapping

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Archaeological mapping and spatial analysis, including non-digital and digital forms. Students will learn the theoretical foundations of mapping as well as learn how to use mapping technology and software. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department.

ANTHR 469 - Dental Anthropology**

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) Exploration of methodological and theoretical issues in dental anthropology through study of human teeth from archaeological contexts. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390 or consent of Department.

ANTHR 476 - Palaeodietary Reconstruction** 

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Survey of methods used to reconstruct past human diets, with an emphasis on those that involve the study of human remains. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or 209 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 477 - Northwest Coast Archaeology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) The examination of the long-term human occupation of the coastal areas from southeast Alaska to northern California. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 480 - Zooarchaeology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 2-0-1) Exploration of methodological and theoretical issues in zooarchaeology through the study of animal remains from archaeological contexts. Prerequisite: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 484 - Topics in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Consult the Department for the specific topics offered and any recommended courses to be completed prior to registering.

ANTHR 486 - Seminar in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology 

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Consult the Department for the specific topics offered and any recommended courses to be completed prior to registering.

ANTHR 490 - Human Osteoarchaeology**

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) The analysis and interpretation of data obtained from human skeletal and dental remains from archaeological sites. Prerequisite: ANTHR 390 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 491 - Stone Tools

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 3-0-0) A methodological and theoretical introduction to the analysis of stone tools. Prerequisites: ANTHR 206 or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

CLASS 400 - Topics in the Culture and Society of Greco-Roman Antiquity*

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Prerequisite: Any course at or above the 200-level in CLASS, GREEK or LATIN, or consent of Department. May be repeated for credit when course content differs.

CLASS 472 - Topics in Greek Archaeology (New course, schedule TBA)

CLASS 473 - Topics in Classical Archaeology

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Prerequisite: Any CLASS course at the 200 level or above or consent of Department. May be repeated for credit when course content differs.

CLASS 477 - Topics in Roman Archaeology (New Course, schedule TBA)

CLASS 478 - Topics in Roman Art

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) In-depth study of aspects of Roman art. Prerequisite: Any CLASS course at the 200 level or above or consent of Department. May be repeated for credit when course content differs.

CLASS 480 - Topics in the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Prerequisite: Any CLASS course at the 200 level or above or consent of Department. May be repeated for credit when course content differs.

CLASS 499 - Individual Study of Historical and Archaeological Problems*

★ 3 (fi 6) (either, 0-3S-0) Prerequisite: Any CLASS course at the 200 level or above or consent of Department. May be repeated for credit when course content differs.

* Only if the topic is archaeological; consult the certificate director.
** Osteology courses (no more than two such courses may count towards the certificate).

NOTE: only obligatory courses are taught annually, all other eligible courses only occasionally.

Please consult the university calendar as course information may change.