Delaney MacIntosh: Rising above Doubts to Find One’s Passion


Delaney MacIntosh is a fourth year Civil Engineering student at the University of Alberta. In addition to her academic pursuits, she is a committed female role model and undergraduate researcher within the faculty of engineering. 

Delaney’s journey toward discovering her place in STEM entailed overcoming doubt and harnessing courage. Although she showed an aptitude for science and math in high school, she was not convinced that she belonged in STEM due to a perception that the field was “dominated by smart men doing impossible physics calculations all day long.” However, Delaney received positive encouragement from her family and friends who saw her excel in STEM courses during high school which motivated her to apply for a Bachelor's degree in Engineering. While pursuing a post-secondary education, Delaney realized that in reality, STEM is a vast field with a wide range of career paths. Thus, she decided to pursue civil engineering. 

Having discovered her passion for civil engineering, she has learned the importance of pursuing her interests and not pushing them aside. Delaney aims to show others that they belong in STEM. She also aspires to ensure that others do not miss out on their passions because they may be intimidated due to their doubts. 

Delaney’s passion for STEM has further developed since she began university as she has participated in and completed notable civil engineering projects including building a composite ice beam in collaboration with a Dutch architect and conducting biomechanics research exploring new treatment options. She implores young girls to be open-minded and try different interests because great opportunities can arise from them. 

Furthermore, Delaney is involved in leadership roles with the Engineering Students’ Society, UAWiSE/WISEST, and the Biomedical Engineering Club. She has been able to merge her interest in biomedicine with her civil engineering degree pursuits. After being asked what lessons Delaney has gained thus far, she responds stating “I discovered a love for community and learned that my personal and academic interests can guide me in helping others due to partaking in volunteer opportunities and leadership roles”.

Delaney became passionate about inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers after leading girls in grade 6 through various science activities while volunteering at the WISEST’s CHOICES Conference. She recalls wanting to instill confidence in girls to pursue STEM careers after hearing a female attendant tell her that she loves space but knows she would have to be a teacher instead because she was a girl.   

While working on the composite ice beam project, Delaney was the youngest and only female project organizer and noticed that her male colleagues would tell her to stop carrying heavy items and appeared confused whenever she contributed to meetings. This did not stop Delaney, as she continued to share her ideas boldly. By refusing to lead the project quietly, Delaney was able to further enhance her leadership skills and lead the project to success. The experience further reinforced to Delaney the necessity for the diversification of STEM fields. To increase female representation in leadership positions within the field of engineering, Delaney aims to pursue positions that allow her to serve as a leader. 

Delaney characterizes her journey in STEM as dynamic, empowering, and bold. She has encountered a highly dynamic learning environment in university which demanded that she adapt to new experiences and challenges. Her interactions with people from unique backgrounds and cultures have provided Delaney with a sense of empowerment as she has gained a broader perspective which fosters her creative thinking. By taking risks and stepping outside of her comfort zone to discover her passions, Delaney became bold. She will be able to tackle any doubts that arise and fiercely advocate for the inclusion of females in STEM. 

Delaney’s future plans include achieving a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and conducting her own research. Delaney MacIntosh aspires to provide the same kind of support that her professors have given her to the next generation of students pursuing STEM-related degrees. 

Fun facts about Delaney

  • Favourite Food: Curry
  • Favourite part of STEM: exploring how interconnected everything is
  • Favourite Movie/TV Show: About Time
  • Dream Vacation: Italian Alps
  • Favourite Element on the Periodic Table: Mg (for no reason... I just remember liking it in high school)
  • Biggest Fear: falling off a cliff
  • Go-to Karaoke Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Profile written by Precious Majekodunmi.