St. Stephen's College Upcoming Workshops (2022-2023)

St. Stephen’s College is pleased to launch a series of integrative workshops that will be offered over the 2022–2023 academic year.  Please join us for a variety of diverse and engaging topics that are open to students, faculty, and the broader public.  Topics include:

·       Trauma Informed Art Therapy: Theory in Practice
·       Medicine Wheel Garden
·       Recovering Mary as the Divine Feminine
·       Art Therapy for Positive Body/Self Image
·       Jungian Art Therapy
·       Indigenous Counselling Skills
·       Eco Art Therapy
·       Life and Success after Grad School
·       Using Play in your Art Therapy Practice

Additional topics may be added as the year unfolds. 

To register and learn more about the workshops and instructors, visit the Upcoming Workshops page of the St. Stephen's College website.
