Natalia Khanenko-Friesen

Dr. Natalia Khanenko-Friesen - Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, Director of Candian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS)

Research Interests

Oral history, ritual, vernacular culture
Diaspora, ethnicity, migration
Post-socialist transition
Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Canada, Ukrainian Canadian culture
Community-engaged scholarship


2001  Ph.D., Anthropology, Modern Languages & Cultural Studies, University of Alberta

Current Projects

Decollectivized: The Last Generation of Soviet Farmers on Agency, Meaning, and Social Change in Rural Ukraine

The 'Quiet' Work of the Immigrant Letter: (Un)doing the Self, the Family and the Community in Personal Correspondence between Canada, Ukraine and the World in the 20th Century

Post-1991 Ukrainian Immigration to Canada: An Assessment Study


2015 Ukrainian Otherlands: Diaspora, Homeland and Folk Imagination in the Twentieth Century. Madison: University of Wisconsin.

2015 Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe. Khanenko-Friesen & G. Grinchenko, (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto.

2011 The Other World or Ethnicity in Action: Canadian Ukrainianness at the End of the 20th Century // Інший світ, або етнічність в дії: Канадська українськість кінця 20-го століття. Kyiv: Smoloskyp.

2011 Orality and Literacy: Reflections Across Disciplines. Carlson, K. Fagan, & N. Khanenko-Friesen, (Eds.). Toronto: University of Toronto.

2010 In Search of Voice: Oral History as Theory, Method, and Source // В пошуках власного голосу: усна історія як теорія, метод, і джерело. N. Khanenko-Friesen & G. Grinchenko (Eds.). Kharkiv: Karazin National University.

