Announcing the Dean of the Faculty of Arts

Dr. Robert Wood has been named the next Dean of Arts.

Steve Dew - 9 February 2022

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Robert Wood as Dean of the Faculty of Arts for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2022.

Dr. Wood comes from the University of Lethbridge, where he is currently a professor and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, and where he previously served as Dean of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (2016-2019) and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies (2011-2016), as well as Interim Vice-President of Research (2020-2021). Dr. Wood is also a past President of the Western Canadian Deans of Graduate Studies.

A proud University of Alberta alumnus—he holds both his BA and PhD in sociology from the U of A—Dr. Wood is a champion for our institution as well as for the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences. He is internationally renowned for his interdisciplinary research in the field of problem gambling, particularly in the areas of policy and prevention.

In addition to his extensive academic leadership experience, Dr. Wood has a demonstrated track record of supporting key post-secondary initiatives in the areas of Indigenization, decolonization, equity, diversity and inclusivity. His commitment to compassion, integrity, collegiality, and transparency, coupled with deep leadership experience within the academy, position Dr. Wood to play a pivotal role in building, growing, and stewarding the Faculty of Arts into the future.

Dr. Wood is succeeding Interim Dean Steve Patten, who will complete his two-year term on June 30, 2022. I would like to thank Dr. Patten for his dedication to the Faculty of Arts and the U of A—is leadership over the last two years has been vital to the faculty’s continued success during a time of
significant transition.

Lastly, I want to thank the Dean Selection Committee for their hard work and recommendations on this important decision regarding the Faculty of Arts.

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Wood on his appointment, and welcoming him back to the
University of Alberta.