Martin, Stephen

Associate Professor of Theology
The King's University
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
+780 465-3500 ext 8046 (office)
+780 920-1780 (cell)


Facebook/Twitter: @stephenwmartin

Link to CV

Stephen Martin was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, grew up in Toronto, Ontario, and spent the better part of a decade in Cape Town, South Africa. Witnessing the tremendous transition of South Africa from global pariah to symbol of hope and the engagement of the church in that process has profoundly shaped his understanding of the theological task. He continues to research and write on South African theology and the church, but now extends those concerns to the church in Canada. Having journeyed through Pentecostalism and Presbyterianism, Martin has found a home in the Anglican tradition. Currently he is involved in questions concerning the extension of the definition of marriage in the church's canons to include same-gender couples. He also is working on a distinctively Anglican approach to engaging social justice issues. Complementing Martin's church home is his membership in the multidisciplinary community of Christian scholars at The King's University, where he has taught since 2004. His coursework at King's keeps his work grounded in scripture and the challenges of presenting its transforming message to the next generation. Speaking of grounding (and coming home), Martin is married to Susan, an Anglican Priest. They have two children: Amelia and Simon, and a dog named Isaiah.

Areas of Interest

Christians and Christianity
Religion and Politics
Religion and Society
Secular and Secularism

Related materials

... the neo-Calvinism of Abraham Kuyper

Is a Religious (Theistic) Worldview a Help or Hindrance to Living an Excellent Life?

After Ten Years: The South African Churches and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission