CCIDs in Computing Science

The Department of Computing Science Ubuntu Linux resources have gone through a major change. A new, centrally managed authentication and permission system managed in partnership with IST has been deployed.

In the best case scenario, users will see no change when using these CS resources. However, growing pains and missed edge cases are inevitable. Please read the following to learn what to watch for, and whom to contact in case of difficulties.

Ubuntu Machines

This includes the Teaching Labs as well as any of the Research Systems and Servers that run the Departmentally managed Ubuntu image.

Your access will use your CCID and should be automatically granted within a business day or two of enrolling in an appropriate class or program.

Relationship to Computing Science

Please be advised that access to CS IT resources is based on your relationship to the Computing Science department. (Most notably this includes the managed CS Ubuntu systems)

Undergrad Students

For CS undergraduates and Engineering Students in EN140, EN141, EN240, EN241, EN840, OR EN841, access expires

  • on your convocation date
  • on the date you are no longer in the program.

You are still considered active in the program if you are on an official Leave of Absence.

For ugrads in non-CS programs who are taking a CS course, access expires three months after your course if you are not registered next term in a CS course.

Graduate Students

For those in the CS grad programs access expires on your convocation date or on the date you are no longer in the program. You are still considered active in the program if you are on Leave of Absence.

Everyone Else

For everyone else, such as Staff, Faculty and Guests, your access will be automatically created within a couple days of your start date and expires when you no longer have a relationship with the department.

Please note that once your relationship expires, you will no longer be able to access CS IT resources including your Home directory. This does not affect your CCID status and access to general UofA IT resources.

For Assistance

If you are having difficulty with your access please contact the IST Helpdesk for assistance and they can direct you to the appropriate people.

You can also go to the CCID website and use the “test My password” to ensure you are entering your CCID and Password correctly.