Field and Practicum Placement Supports

Students with disabilities may require accommodation support in clinical placements, internships, cooperative placements, practicum placements, and other experiential learning courses. Supports that have been suited to the classroom environment do not necessarily transfer to the work-like placement environment. Thus, we have established a strong working relationship with faculties to provide supports for students' success in placements.


If your program includes an experiential learning component, you should let your Accessibility Advisor know as soon as possible. Together you can explore potential supports that may help you maximize your success in this critical area of learning.

There are 3 things that students need to consider as they prepare for an experiential learning course:

  • Each person's accommodation needs are unique and variable across different environments;
  • Disability awareness, resources, and accessibility vary tremendously among various experiential learning settings; and,
  • Don't assume that it will be a simple process to ask for accommodations once you are in your placement. It is important to request practicum accommodations well in advance of going out on a field experience.


Students with disabilities may require accommodation support in clinical placements, internships, cooperative placements, teaching practicums, or other experiential learning courses. Supports that have been suited to the classroom environment do not necessarily transfer to the work-like placement environment. We have established a strong working relationship with faculties to provide supports for students' success in placements.

In any reasonable accommodation process, both the student with a disability and the post-secondary institution have rights and responsibilities. Clear communication and collaboration between all parties is the most reliable way to arrive at, and implement, effective field placement accommodations. While the instructors of the department delivering the course have knowledge regarding the competencies required for successfully passing a placement, the student has knowledge about the implications of the disability in meeting academic demands and specific tasks, and Accessibility Advisors have knowledge about reasonable accommodations. Thus, we recommend students who foresee requiring support in their experiential learning courses initiate discussions with both their instructors and Accessibility Advisors as early as possible.

Any instructors who teach experiential learning courses are invited to contact us to consult with Academic Success Centre staff.