Mission and Values

The Wellness Supports team engages people on campus by strengthening individual and community mental health and wellbeing, providing support, connection, education and choice.

The team strives to offer holistic, inclusive, and equitable support, including:

  • Collaboration on training, workshops, conversations, and programming related to student equity, diversity, and inclusivity
  • Individual support to bridge gaps and connect to resources with ongoing mental health support and referrals
  • Free mental health skills training for students and staff
  • Initiatives that challenge stigma around wellness, provide information, engage in discussion that encourages action
  • Facilitated peer-to-peer and community connections
  • Volunteer and outreach opportunities
  • Health and wellness activity funding
  • Wellness information, research, events and activities
  • Strengthen and support campus communities and members to identify potential challenges and opportunities together

We value:

Integrity through best practices and ethics in our daily interactions.

  • Open, honest and respectful communication 
  • Understanding our roles and capacities within our scope of work 
  • Following professional standards, university policies, and adhering to respectful workplace expectations
  • Recognizing we are responsible for ourselves and the ways in which we live our values continuously 
  • Student access to programs and services, prioritizing continuity of supports
  • Seeking feedback to demonstrate accountability

Collaboration and connection with all campus members. 

  • Our work is guided by engagement with our partners and the needs of our community
  • Integrating student voices into our work
  • Building and maintaining relationships with campus members to strengthen community and anticipate new opportunities for collaboration 
  • Responsive to the needs of our community
  • Open to innovative and creative approaches and practices

Equity for the meaningful participation from all campus members, with active consideration of intersectional experiences.

  • Recognizing the ways in which we all contribute to reinforcing and challenging structural barriers 
  • Reducing barriers and support accommodations that enhance equity
  • Listening to feedback when there are inequitable experiences so we can work towards solutions.
  • Accessibility to our services for all campus community members

Inclusivity in valuing identities and experiences of campus members and actively promoting belonging and representation.

  • Self-reflective of our own position and how our identities and experiences can reinforce and challenge structural barriers
  • Treating our community members with dignity and respect 
  • Work that reflects a wide range of perspectives 
  • We are respectful of the many worldviews related to mental health and wellness 
  • We will use our positions and voices to advocate for change led by people with lived experiences of a particular issue

Wellness in holistically supporting the campus community so we can thrive and flourish.

  • Wellness is unique to the individual 
  • Holistic practice that supports the many dimensions of wellness (physical, social, cultural, spiritual, academic, financial, environmental, political, emotional, and mental)
  • Providing opportunities for capacity building
  • Individual and community wellness are interdependent