Education and wellbeing in the time of COVID-19

Faculty and alumni offer advice, messages of support and hope

12 May 2020

UAlberta Education faculty and alumni have been affected by the global coronavirus pandemic just like everyone else. Some have taken time while adapting to the new realities of remote education, self-isolation and social distancing to offer expert advice on coping with these abrupt changes to how we live, learn and work. Here’s a round-up of their recent appearances on various UAlberta media.

Finding hope in good times and bad

Research reveals that having hope is vital to helping us deal with life’s challenging circumstances. Educational Psychology professor Denise Larsen shares how applied research at UAlberta has spurred the development of practical tools to foster and harness the benefits of hope on a webinar you can watch or download from the Alumni On Demand website.

Support your kids during the COVID pandemic

Educational Psychology professor Christina Rinaldi spoke with New Trail about supporting your kids during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Rinaldi also appeared on UAlberta Alumni’s What the Job? podcast to share tips on how parents can maintain healthy family dynamics while working from home.

How to help your kids—and yourself—handle being at home

Elementary Education professor Linda Laidlaw and Secondary Education professor David Chorney share some tips for parents and kids to stay mentally and physically active at home on Folio.

Why COVID-19 loneliness can be especially hard on teens

Educational Psychology professor Jacqueline Leighton weighs the potential toll of pandemic-related social isolation on teenagers.

How to cope with headline stress

Educational Psychology professor Jacqueline Leighton and Secondary Education professor Alexandra Fidyk offer advice on how to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed during the pandemic.

Behind the screens with a Grade 5 teacher

Elementary Education alumnus Chris Yiu ('00 BEd) shares a week in the life of a teacher and parent during the COVID-19 pandemic in New Trail.