A Holiday Message

Dean Doug Gleddie shares his reflections on the past year and his holiday well-wishes

18 December 2023

Doug GleddieIt’s hard to believe we’ve reached the final days of 2023, especially since winter has yet to fully arrive here in Edmonton. But the end-of-semester press of exams and marking, alongside the hustle and bustle of preparing for the festive season, signal that it’s time to reflect on our year in the Faculty of Education.

The past 12 months brought its share of notable milestones, including the appointment of Dr. Evelyn Steinhauer as the Faculty’s first Associate Dean, Indigenous Peoples Education; welcoming the staff and students of the English Language School to their new home in the Education Centre; the Canadian Psychological Association site visit and review for the re-accreditation of our Counselling Psychology Program; the early success of professional learning courses like the Summer Institute in Teaching Foundational Indigenous Knowledge and Trauma-Sensitive Practice programs; and the well-deserved awards and recognition our faculty members and students continue to garner, to name just a few. I’d also like to make special mention of the 25 Education undergraduates who attained Academic All-Canadian status in 2023-23 by maintaining an 80 percent average or better while participating in varsity sports for the Bears or Pandas.

As my time as Acting Dean draws to a close, I want to thank the faculty members, staff and students who have been so supportive over the past six months as we continue to work together through the challenges and opportunities we’ve encountered. It was an honour to serve as Dean of Education during Dr. Tupper’s leave and, as ever, I’m proud of and continually amazed by the transformative teaching, research and service taking place every day in this Faculty.

Best wishes to everyone in our Education community for a restful and restorative holiday break and all the best in 2024!

Doug Gleddie
Acting Dean, Faculty of Education