Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender - Visual Pedagogies: Teaching Can Be a Real Drag (Show)

with Tommy Mayberry

14 January 2022

Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender - Visual Pedagogies: Teaching Can Be a Real Drag (Show) with Tommy Mayberry, moderated by Nat Hurley, on January 28 @ 12:15 P.M. MDT

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Tommy Mayberry (Executive Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning) joins us for a talk that explores visual pedagogies through a sincere and earnest look at their life, one congruent of academic and drag cultures, of traditional teaching and dragged-up pedagogies. They bring together a constellation of transgender visuality, queer phenomenology, and visual performance as a social justice leader with an anti-imperialist inclusive practice.

Tommy Mayberry (he/she/they) is a scholar, professional, and academic drag queen with a background in diverse teaching and instructional facilitation in academia as well as industry. As a sought-after speaker on the topics of “Gender Pronouns and Cultures of Respect'' as well as visual pedagogies and LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, Tommy has presented their scholarship and research findings nationally as well as internationally, in places such as Oxford, Washington D.C., Tokyo, and Honolulu. They strive to embody and model decolonial, anti-racist, and equity-driven intersectional visions and leadership.