Health Law Institute Collaborates with the Alberta Law Review

9 July 2015

New Publication Opportunity: Health Law Edition
Submission Deadline: May 30, 2016, 2015

The Health Law Institute (HLI) in collaboration with the Alberta Law Review (ALR) is pleased to announce the development of a new publication opportunity. In 2016, as one of its quarterly publications, the ALR will publish a special issue in health law. This opportunity arose out of the need to reconsider the HLI's publication of the Health Law Journal and Health Law Review, which regrettably can no longer be supported due to financial constraints. Since 1991, these publications have contributed significantly to the development and discussion of Canadian health law and policy, and have served as invaluable resources for entities such as the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as publication outlets for a broad range of scholars. As such, the HLI has been committed to investigating new avenues that will allow for ongoing contributions to such scholarship. This partnership is ideal, as the long-standing, broadly disseminated ALR promotes legal research and discussion of contemporary legal and policy issues.

This peer reviewed special edition will publish 9 to 12 articles. Digital submissions of manuscripts must be submitted in Word or WordPerfect and citations should conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 8th ed (McGill Guide). Word length and submission deadline are as follows:

Articles and case comments: 15,000 word maximum
Book reviews: 5,000 word maximum
Submission deadline: May 30, 2016

All manuscripts and correspondence must be submitted to