Global Injury Visualization and Epidemiological Surveillance (GIVES) Platform

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 There are about 5.8 million deaths each year due to traumatic injuries. Of which, 90% come from LMICs. Preventing these deaths and morbidity comes from building and strengthening trauma systems. The first step of a trauma system is measuring, analyzing and sharing trauma data. Leveraging its extensive experience in trauma system development and trauma registry work in Kenya and Uganda, the OGS developed the Global Injury Visualization and Epidemiological Surveillance (GIVES) Platform. GIVES aims to advocate for a sustainable unified and harmonized concept dictionary for registries to utilize, and using this dictionary, create an open access, collaborative, online global injury surveillance platform with geographic information system capabilities. In 2021, a draft concept dictionary and proof of concept map and website ( was created and launched. The OGS team is currently working towards ensuring the map and data fit privacy and data security standards before reaching out to potential data sharing collaborators to fill the map and membership.