Early Childhood Education

Our programs at the Centre collégial de l'Alberta are offered entirely in the French language. 

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program is offered entirely in the French language in two tracks at the Centre collégial de l'Alberta :

Certificate (ÉPE - 2)

38 credits - 3 terms (Fall-Winter-Spring)

A one-year program leading to Level 2 educator certification.

Diploma (ÉPE - 3)

78 credits - 6 terms (Fall-Winter-Spring / Fall-Winter-Spring)

A two-year program, the first year of which consists of the same courses as the certificate (EPE-2), leading to certification as a Level 3 educator.



Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs are based on the application of the latest findings in child development. Our pedagogical framework is based on Take Wings: A Framework for Early Learning and Child Care Programs in Alberta.

It emphasizes relational practices that enhance the child's image as a powerful learner and citizen, through an adapted environment. The programs are developed specifically in the context of the French-speaking minority, through the language development of children living in a multicultural French-speaking environment. Our teachers also have years of experience working in French-language daycare centers and early childhood centers in minority settings.



Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs combine lectures with a practicum component. This formula gives students real-life experience in a professional workplace. Specifically, the first year of the ECE program comprises 450 hours of coursework, with 2 internships of 96 and 280 hours respectively. The second year also includes 450 hours of courses with 2 internships, this time of 120 and 280 hours, respectively. Navigate to the course details pages to see the official internship descriptions.

Internships must be completed in person.


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Program flexibility

Choice of face-to-face or online training

Courses in the Early Childhood Education program are offered both online and face-to-face. All practicums must be completed in person.


Online courses use the University of Alberta's state-of-the-art training tools, offering virtual classes in real time (synchronous) or in delayed mode (asynchronous). The eClass online learning platform enables students to learn and collaborate in a practical and effective way.


Face-to-face courses take place at Campus Saint-Jean, in an immersive French-speaking environment.

Internships must be face-to-face.

Full-time or part-time studies


Number of hours: 826 hours (Certificate) / 1676 hours (Diploma)
Duration: Certificate 12 months, Diploma 24 months

The courses and internships in the Early Childhood Education programs are organized so as to complete training over a period of one year for the certificate and two years for the diploma. The program structure is illustrated on the course grids.


Number of hours: 826 hours (Certificate) / 1676 hours (Diploma)
Maximum authorized duration: Certificate 24 months, Diploma 48 months

Courses in Early Childhood Education programs can also be taken on a part-time basis, which doubles the time required to obtain the desired degree, but allows greater flexibility. This is preferable for workers and others who want a lighter course load. and complete the program in two years for the Certificate and four years for the Diploma.