Congratulations Dr. Rewa and Dr. Chowdhury - Successful applications to the EZ Quality Innovation Funding competition.

Both submitted Quality Improvement projects that have been awarded funding for the 2017 Edmonton Zone QI funding competition.

10 May 2017

This competition is sponsored by the Chief Medical Officer of Quality Healthcare Improvement, AHS. It was a highly competitive process and the review team had some very difficult decisions to make. Thirty-nine projects were assessed utilizing a standard review process, and the top fourteen projects were awarded funding.

All funded projects will be submitting a final report by March 31, 2018, and in addition, an oral presentation of the projects will occur in the Fall at the IQM Connection Forum.

Project Title: Optimizing MObility for Critically Ill PatiEnts Undergoing Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Dr. Oleksa Rewa

Project Title: Quality Improvement of Patient and Family Centered Care in the Critical Care Unit A new Alberta
Dr. Raiyan Chowdhury