Dr Hall 2018 ASICP Trainee Research Competition Award winner

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Adam Hall for winning the first prize for his work on after hours admissions and strained ICU capacity at the 4th Annual ASICP Trainee Research Competition in Lake Louise.

22 January 2018

This competition was designed to advance the Critical Care SCN's long-term research goals:

1. To increase capacity for scientific work within the Alberta critical care community,

2. To enhance the culture of science and innovation within the Alberta critical care community,

3. To improve the health and health care delivered to critically ill patients through knowledge creation and knowledge translation.

Eligible Topics included: Scientific work addressing biomedical, clinical, health services, population health, quality improvement or education questions.

Open to trainees enrolled in clinical (e.g., residents, fellows), undergraduate (e.g., summer students, honours thesis projects), graduate (e.g., MSc, PhD) or post-graduate (e.g., postdoctoral fellows, clinical scholars) training programs AND members or supervised by members of the Alberta Society of Intensive Care Medicine or the Critical Care Strategic Clinical Network.

Oral Presentation morning of January 20th, 2018 consisting of a 10 minute presentation followed by 2 minutes for questions.