Our Process

The Faculty of Education last engaged in a strategic planning process in 2006, producing the “Faculty of Education Academic Plan”. Since that time, the Faculty and the University have undergone many changes, including the adoption of “For the Public Good” as an institutional plan in 2016. In fall 2017, an ad hoc Strategic Planning Facilitation Team, chaired by the Dean, was established with student, staff, and faculty representation, with a key goal to engage our community and stakeholders.

Each of the five departments were invited to select a representative to the committee (through an election process if more than one individual expressed interest in serving), as was the Indigenous Education Council, the Diversity, Equity and Respect committee, APOs, support staff, the Education Students’ Association, and graduate students within the Faculty.

The Facilitation Team had an initial meeting in November 2017 to determine timelines and processes, and met again in January, February, May (two halfday retreats), and June 2018 to review feedback and create a draft plan to share back with our community. The work of the team was also guided by the Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE) Accord on Indigenous Education, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action, and the University of Alberta strategic plan “For the Public Good.”

Nine face-to-face open consultations were held between January and April, including one specifically for support staff and one specifically for undergraduate students. More than 100 individuals were involved in strategic planning conversations across departments and units. As well, several departments spent additional time discussing the four guiding questions formally and informally throughout the process:

  • What is our key mission as a Faculty of Education? What are our core values? Who do we serve?
  • What are our current strengths as a Faculty of Education? What are our current challenges? How can we build on our strengths and address our challenges?
  • What three things do you really want the Faculty to accomplish in the next five years?
  • What are some of the key trends that will shape the future of education over the next five to ten years? What are some of the opportunities these trends provide? Key risks these trends bring?

Responses to the four questions were also collected electronically. In total, from January to May, 2018 individuals engaged in the consultation process by providing feedback and responses to questions. Notes from the face-to-face consultations were collated, discussed, and themed by members of the Facilitation Team. Key external stakeholders were also invited to participate and, at the end of the consultation period, more than 70 pages of feedback was compiled.

Members of the Facilitation Team carefully considered the feedback, using it to draft the mission, vision, and values statements, and the strategic goals and objectives articulated in the plan. Regular updates on the strategic planning process were provided at Faculty Council meetings and members of the community were invited to ask questions or seek out additional information on an ongoing basis from any member of the Facilitation Team. A draft plan was brought to Education Faculty Council on October 2 for discussion and further feedback. It is important to note that within the plan, there is no hierarchy of goals or objectives. Electronic feedback was also invited and the Facilitation Team carefully considered all comments.