Ludwig-Maximilians Universität - Exchange

City: Munich Country: Germany

Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Website


What LMU has to offer:

  • One of Germany's - and Europe's - oldest and most prestigious universities.
  • A wide and well-rounded range of academic disciplines; including the humanities, culture studies, law, economics, theology, medicine and the sciences
  • Numerous research centres involved in cross-faculty and transdisciplinary projects.
  • An increasing number of courses taught in English to cater to international students who may have little or no background in the German language.
  • Home to approximately 8,000 foreign students from over 125 countries - the highest number of foreign students at any German university.
  • Notable alumni; including Max Planck, the founder of quantum theory and Nobel laureate in Physics in 1918.
  • Students on exchange at LMU can often apply for TA positions to help teach English language and related skills to LMU students.  These are paid positions. Please send an email to if you'd like more information.
  • Check out the LMU promotional video.

Why don't you combine your participation in this exchange with participation in an internship as well? We could send you on an International Work Experience (IWE) internship before or after your exchange. If you are interested in going out on both programs send an email to asking for more details.

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Fall, Winter, Full Year

Term Dates:

Fall term equivalent: October - February

Winter term equivalent: April - July

Eligibility Requirements

Open to: All Faculties

Level: Undergraduate, Graduate

See Eligibility.

Course Information

Language of Instruction: English, German

Field of Study: All except medicine, veterinary and pharmacy

PLEASE NOTE:  LMU expects that during your exchange you would take at least 60% of your courses in your major or minor field of study.

Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Course Information. A few faculties don't offer courses in English. Through the link just provided you'll be able to determine which do and which don't.

The LMU Exchange Office could ask, in the case of *small* classes, that LMU professors provide instruction in English (rather than in German) and allow our students to turn in assignments and write exams in English. If there are one or a few courses that you'd really like to take but they are only offered in German and you don't speak German, or don't speak it well enough, you can send an email to to ask that a request be sent to the LMU Exchange Office to ask on your behalf if the accommodations just described could be provided for you.

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Credit Information.


Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Accommodation.

Program Contact

University of Alberta International, Education Abroad

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards