Meet Danielle Cormier: New Postdoctoral Fellow joins KSR

I am a new Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Postdoctoral Fellow funded by the Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and working under the supervision of Dr. Amber Mosewich.

Danielle Cormier - 28 September 2023

I am coming back to Edmonton after completing my Ph.D. specializing in Sports Psychology in the College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan this past August. However, I completed both my undergraduate and masters degrees here at the University of Alberta, the former in KSR under the supervision of Dr. John Dunn.

My research focuses on the psychological and social factors that influence athletes' sustained participation in sport, as well as the individual differences that shape athletes' thoughts, emotions, and behaviours over time. Using mixed methodologies, my PDF research will explore self-identified girls' experiences and participation in sport. Ultimately, I aim to answer the call made by many sport organizations to build a more equitable sport system for self-identified girls and women. I hope to shed more light on the psychological and social mechanisms that enhance self-identified girls' positive experiences, optimal performance, and holistic development in sport. 

I am incredibly passionate about encouraging a love for sport in young men and women athletes. As such, I also coach volleyball in the high school and club systems, am a mental performance consultant for a variety of teams across the prairie provinces, and try to get out and play as often as I can. I look forward to meeting/re-meeting everyone in the Faculty!