Program Registration

  • Fall term is September to December (for MPH, mid-August to December; Winter term is January to April; Spring and Summer terms are May to August with variable start and end dates).
  • Full-time MPH students must register for 12 units of required courses in the first fall and nine units of required courses in the first winter of their program. After this, a FT registration is a minimum nine units in both fall and winter and six units in both spring and summer.
  • Part-Time MPH students must register for nine units of required courses in the first fall and six units of required courses in the first winter of their program. After this, a PT registration is a maximum of six units in both fall and winter and three units in both spring and summer.
  • SPH 530 This is Public Health is completed before other courses start. In 2023, it tentatively runs from August 14 to 25 - still considered a fall-term course. SPH 541 is split over two terms - A(fall) / B(winter) and units are evenly split between A and B parts, which must be taken consecutively — they cannot be split across years. A student receives a grade for the course after completion of both A and B parts of a course.
  • Only SPH 535 and SPH 537 can be shifted to the second year of the program and the course sequence and time to completion will change accordingly.
  • The MPH degree includes required and elective courses:
    • Elective courses can be selected to suit a student’s interests based on discussion with their academic advisor and can be sequenced any time during the degree, paying attention to pre-requisites where applicable. Elective courses can be taken from SPH, U of A or other universities. If interested in courses offered by other universities in the western provinces, refer to Western Deans' Agreement.
    • Elective courses may be combined for students to attain an additional credential — a Graduate Embedded Certificate.