Residence Community Expectations

What are the rules in residence?

When you choose to live in residence, you choose to join a community. Living in a communal environment in a university setting where everyone comes from diverse backgrounds and experiences, it is essential that common standards and expectations are followed by everyone.

Policies and Documents Outlining Resident Behaviour

This applies to all students living in residence.

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Residence Agreement

The contract between you as a tenant and the university as your landlord.
A breach of the Residence Agreement can result in a range of outcomes, including residence probation and eviction from residence.

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Residence Community Standards Policy

The policy outlines resident rights and responsibilities and the process for using restorative practices to address violations.
Outcomes under this voluntary process are decided with agreement of all parties.

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Residence House Rules

Specific rules developed for each residence community for day to day living.

Outcomes are decided through the Residence Community Standards Policy or Residence Agreement.

Policies Outlining Student Behaviour

This applies to all students living in residence.

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Student Conduct Policy

This policy applies to all students. Outcomes following violations can include fines, suspension or expulsion from the university.

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Sexual and Gender Based Violence Policy

This policy addresses sexual and gender based violence and sexual harassment. Outcomes depend on the survivor's choice whether to report and under which process.

How do these processes work together?

When you sign your Residence Agreement, you agree to follow the Residence Agreement, Residence Community Standards Policy and House Rules. As a student at the University of Alberta, you are held accountable to all other university policies, including the Student Conduct Policy.

Incidents in residence contrary to these expectations can be addressed through restorative practices under the Residence Community Standards Policy, as a breach of the Residence Agreement or through the Student Conduct Policy. The criteria to decide which process to use in an individual situation is outlined in the Residence Community Standards Policy.

How do I report disruptive or concerning behaviour?

If there is a health or safety emergency, first call 911.

Residence Services strives to act quickly on behaviour that is impacting you or your community. If you notice disruptive or concerning behaviour in progress, contact Residence Services as soon as possible so we can identify and address the issue.

Other places on campus also collect disclosures and reports of concerning behaviour.