
Pre-clinical U of A medical students (Yr 1 and Yr 2)

The Undergraduate Office of Surgical Education will assist in providing contact information for surgeons in order to arrange hours for the 12 hour electives associated with MED517 in Year 1, Summer Electives in MED518 and MED527 in Year 2. We will also put you in touch with the OR Nurse Educator at the UAH in order for you to have an orientation to the OR prior to your elective experience.

Electives are NOT to be scheduled during any scheduled sessions.

  • It is the student's responsibility to have an assessment form filled in by each of their preceptors. They must send this form to the Office of Undergraduate Surgical Education when it is completed.
  • Once both the application for elective form and the assessment form has been submitted, they are sent to Undergraduate Medical Education so that the student can receive credit.

Deadlines, Application Form and Electives Catalogue for Year 1 can be found here

Deadlines, Application Form and Electives Catalogue for Year 2 can be found here

Please direct any inquiries to our administrators in the Department of Surgery:

Specialty Surgery Electives: specsurg@ualberta.ca
General Surgery Electives: gensurg@ualberta.ca


Clinical U of A medical students (Yr 3 and Yr 4)

Clinical U of A medical students must apply for surgical electives through Cally. Preceptor and/or Site preference can be requested in Cally, however may not be guaranteed based on availability. Once an elective is confirmed, details will be provided to the student in an email.

Requirements, Application Process and Electives Catalogue for Year 3 can be found here

Requirements, Application Process and Electives Catalogue for Year 4 can be found here

Please direct any inquiries to our administrators in the Department of Surgery:

Specialty Surgery Electives: specsurg@ualberta.ca
General Surgery Electives: gensurg@ualberta.ca


Visiting Medical Student Electives

Students attending medical school within Canada - Elective Application requests are processed through the Association of the Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Student Portal. Please contact visiting electives at visitingelectives@ualberta.ca or see more information here.

Students attending medical school outside of Canada - Due to changes in policies and lack of availability of training positions at the University of Alberta, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry is only able to accept visiting undergraduate medical students who are studying at an LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education) accredited medical school in the United States, or where a bilateral exchange has been established. International medical students who do not meet this criteria will not be accepted. Furthermore, we do not offer rotations, bench research, observational, or pre-clinical electives to international visiting students.

For more information on which schools are part of LCME or the bilateral exchange, please visit the AFMC Student Portal and check the "Student Type" under the University of Alberta Institution Profile.