CMPUT 651 - Artificial General Intelligence and A-life


There have been rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence with numerous breakthroughs and technological feats routinely capturing headlines of the mainstream media. As hardware and software gain capabilities, we will re-visit the original dream of the field --- a creation of a human-level general-purpose artificial intelligence. We will work through both seminal and contemporary papers in the field with a particular focus on artificial life as a possible approach to artificial general intelligence.


  1. Gain understanding of the fundamentals of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial life (A-life).
  2. Learn about a wide range of work in AGI and A-life.
  3. Get hands-on experience in designing, implementing, evaluating and applying A-life environments towards AGI.

Course Work

  • assignments
  • projects
  • team project
  • participation
  • presentations