Bachelor of Science in Forest Business Management

Why Study Forest Business Management?

The BSC in Forest Business Management prepares students for careers as professional foresters with specialized knowledge in business management practices. This program is offered jointly by the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences and the Alberta School of Business. You’ll learn about the importance of managing and sustaining our forests while gaining practical business experience that focuses on forestry operations. This degree will also prepare you to become a Registered Professional Forester.

A researcher working in a garden. This is a YouTube thumbnail image and the YouTube logo is centred on the image.

Hands-on Learning

The best place to learn about the forest is, well, the forest! Develop the abilities required of foresters and business professionals through hands-on learning, such as field schools through the forested areas of west-central and northern Alberta to learn about forest plants, animals and ecology, and forest protection and field operations. While developing and practicing your technical skills, you’ll also learn first hand about forestry operations and apply classroom knowledge to related industry challenges.

Students in this program can even earn work experience through the School of Business Co-op Program, one of the top four business programs in Canada. Combine classroom learning with on-the-job training through a 12-month paid work experience that allows you to act on your passion and develop a professional network.

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Forest Business Management alumni Mike is the founder and Executive DIrector of Project Forest. He welcomed current students to a rewilding project to learn about forestry firsthand!




Featured Courses

Designed to introduce students to the principles and practices of measuring various natural resources and to the visualization, interpretation, and management of data.
Harvesting and transportation methods and technologies as applied to wood-harvesting operations. This is a general course for students who desire a basic knowledge of current technologies used to conduct forest operations.




Economic aspects of forest production, marketing, finance, and policy. Review of selected policies and programs provincially, nationally, and internationally. Analysis of current policy issues.
Problem solving, decision making and planning in relation to the management of forest resources. Application of models and related tools. Public involvement and issues management will be addressed.



Feature Careers

Foresters plan, administer and direct programs related to managing forested lands and renewable resources. Forestry is a regulated profession.  Graduates can become a Registered Professional Forester (RPF). Average Salary:  $94,619

Environmental economists study the effects of environmental policies on the economy. They use economic theory to design economic policies and assess their effects on the environment. Their goal is to help create policies that protect and enhance environmental quality at the lowest cost to society.

Source: Government of Alberta, Occupations in Alberta


Careers in Forestry Business Management

  • Forester
  • Forest Ecologist
  • Forest Economist
  • Forest policy analyst 
  • Forestry management professional
  • Interpretive Naturalist
  • Policy Analyst
  • Silviculturist

Check out the U of A's Forest Science & Management Career Guide for more options.


Study Here

In the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences (ALES) Business Management programs, students have access to one of the largest faculty scholarship programs at the U of A while connecting to the expertise and community in the Alberta School of Business, a leading business education and research institution. Be inspired by faculty members and staff who apply their broad scientific knowledge in world-class facilities to improve lives at local and international levels, and get involved with the thriving student community for a memorable and life-changing university experience.