Dean Stan Blade

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences (ALES).

Whether you're looking at what programs and courses we offer, how to apply to ALES, or the different opportunities we offer our students to apply outside the classroom what they've learned inside the classroom, you'll find it on this website.

If your interest is in research and you want to know what's available for you as an undergraduate or graduate ALES student, you'll find it here. If you want to connect with a student club or find out all about the different scholarships, awards, and bursaries that are available to ALES students, that's here too.

If you're interested in the incredible research our faculty members and students conduct every day in our faculty, and the impact their discoveries are having on the world, it's here.

And whether you want to connect with past classmates or donate to help us enhance the student experience, you'll find that on this website too.

If you don't, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know. We want your experience navigating through this website to be a very good one, one in which you easily find what you're looking for and maybe a thing or two that you weren't looking for.

Stanford F. Blade, PhD. P. Ag. / @DeanALES_UofA 

Cover of publication reads Shaping Alberta with three pictures: one of a forest, one of a field of crops, and an aerial view of rural Alberta

Shaping Alberta: The Impact of the Faculty of ALES


Since our inception in 1915, the faculty has contributed to the province's economics, environment and society. Read more about the activities and successes of our students, faculty and researchers, and our ambitious vision for the future.

Read the publication