Meet the 2019 Science Camp Leaders - Advanced Science

Science Summer Camp Leaders share their love of science with the next generation of scientists.

News Staff - 12 July 2019

Science Summer Camp instructors are passionate and enthusiastic about sharing their love of science with our camps of future scientists. Meet the instructors of this year's Advanced Science summer camps.

Gabe Moreau

Program: BEd

Interests: I love exercising (biking, climbing, lifting), cooking, and playing video games

What do you love most about science?

Learning new things! Figuring out how different things in real life work is so interesting.

As a returning instructor to Science Summer Camps, what did you find fulfilling about the position in previous years/what made you want to return?

So many fun kids that get so excited about science and made us leaders genuinely laugh. It was also great working closely with like-minded people and having a lot of laughs and fun.

What is your favourite memory from instructing camps in previous years?

I remember during Dino camps during our outdoor break times the kids loved playing 'dinosaurs' and running around trying to catch the prey (me).

What was one of your favourite camp projects/activities to share with campers?

I loved making mini terrariums and making Earth layers with food.

Tell us a fun fact about you!

I taught at Science Summer Camps last year-since then I've completed my education degree (including multiple practicum terms and lots of new experiences).

Mackenzie Drefs

Program: BSc

Interests: Hiking, being outdoors, reading, baking, and spending time with friends and family.

What do you love most about science?

I love the value of science and how there is endless potential for solving global problems through creativity and exploration.

As a returning instructor to Science Summer Camps, what did you find fulfilling about the position in previous years/what made you want to return?

Being able to apply what I have learned in school and share it with kids who have an interest in the camp topics was very fulfilling. Any time we would do a project or activity that allowed the kids to take something home they would become very excited and eager to show their parents-which made all the work that we put into planning camps worth it.

What is your favourite memory from instructing camps in previous years?

My favourite memory from camps was seeing how excited the campers were when we got to go on a field trip to the observatory or one of the museums on campus. In the zoology museum one first grade camper was able to answer every question the tour guide asked, even the more advanced ones like "what is a vertebrate?"

What was one of your favourite camp projects/activities to share with campers?

During the Chemistry Minis camp our campers learned about liquids and the kids had the opportunity to make their own lava lamps to take home, an activity that was a lot of fun for both the children and the instructors.

Tell us a fun fact about you!

The last place I travelled to was Guatemala.

Kacie McLeod

Program: BEd, BSc

Interests: Soccer, hiking, travelling, baking, and DIY crafts

What do you love most about science?

Science is all around us and a part of everything we do. From the biomechanics of walking, to exploring the natural world, to the most advanced technologies-science is always there.

Why do you think it is important to promote science to young people, and what makes you a good science mentor?

It is important for young people to have a basic knowledge of science to understand the workings of the world and be curious. Science also helps foster skills like critical thinking and testing theories. I believe I am a good science mentor as I have always enjoyed science and have experience in a variety of science fields, from physics to biology.

Why did you want to work with Science Summer Camps?

I wanted to work with Science Summer Camps to spend my summer doing science, and encouraging kids to get involved with science. There is nothing better than to see someone realize how fun science can be.

Can you tell us a fun fact about your favourite scientist or scientific discovery?

During photosynthesis, plants emit a light called fluorescence, which is invisible to the naked eye but detectable by satellites in orbit.

Tell us a fun fact about you!

I've travelled to 19 countries and spent six months living in Australia after completing my engineering degree.

Alizeh Ansari

Program: BEd in secondary education

Interests: Museums, art galleries, photography, cooking

What do you love most about science?

I love how the more I delve into science, the more I see how we are all connected. Science is what continuously challenges me to question what is around me and this unifying and mystifying presence of science is what makes me appreciate it!

Why do you think it is important to promote science to young people, and what makes you a good science mentor?

Science is everywhere. When young people understand the theory behind it they start to appreciate the inner-workings of our world and how we are all connected. What makes me a good mentor is my patience and ability to keep things fun and engaging.

Why did you want to work with Science Summer Camps?

I love helping young minds learn! Science Summer Camps is a great opportunity to learn ideas for science experiments I can use for my future classroom.

Can you tell us a fun fact about your favourite scientist or scientific discovery?

The Double Slit Experiment-a famous experiment where the mere act of observation can completely change the outcome of an event!

Tell us a fun fact about you!

I have traveled to over 15 different countries, and I hope to go to more (and try their delicious food).