
Abu Laban, Baha, PhD (Washington, 1960) Stratification, Development, Minorities, Religion
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Abu Laban, Sharon McIrvin, PhD (Alberta 1974) Family, Gender, Aging, Medical, Comparative
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Gartrell, John, PhD (Wisconsin 1973) Social Inequity, Research Methods, Evaluation Research
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Harrell, Andrew, PhD (University of Washington) Experimental Social Psychology, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Human Factors
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Hartnagel, Timothy, PhD (Indiana 1968) Criminology
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Jarvis, George, PhD (Michigan 1972), Demography, Native Peoples, Social Epidemiology, Suicide, Medical Sociology, Aging, Death-Dying
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Johnston, William, PhD (York 1982) Stratification, Political Sociology, Social Movements
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Krahn, Harvey, PhD (UAlberta, 1983) Life Course Research, Social Inequality, Work, Education, Immigration
Professer Emeritus of Sociology

Laxer, Gordon, PhD (Toronto, 1981) Canadian Political Economy, Development & Underdevelopment, Social Changes, Comparative Studies, Public Policy, Director - Parkland Institute
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Lowe, Graham, PhD (Toronto 1979) Work and Industry, Labour Unions, Stratification
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

McDaniel, Susan, PhD (Alberta 1977) FRSC, Demography, Family, Sociology of Women, Gender, Aging
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Morrow, Ray, PhD (York) Theory/Culture
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Northcott, Herb, PhD (Minnisota) Survey research and population census data, sociology of health and illness, sociology of aging, and sociology of dying, death, and bereavement
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Sayer, Derek, PhD (Durham 1975) FRSC, Canada Research Chair; Social Theory and Methodology, Historical Sociology, Cultural Studies
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Snider, Earle, PhD (Michigan State 1970) Environmental, Aging, Clinical Ecology
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Stehr, Nico, PhD (Oregon 1970) FRSC, Theory, Knowledge and Science, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Social Inequality, Knowledge Society
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Strain, Laurel, PhD (University of Toronto), Social Structure and Policy: Aging, Health, Health Care Service Use, Rural Issues
Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Trovato, Frank, PhD (Western Ontario), Population Studies Demographic Methods Population Health Family Demography Macrosociology Fertility Mortality Migration
Professor Emeritus of Sociology