Appendix J: Sample Evaluation Tool

Evaluation Of Teaching: Course Materials Review
Auburn University.
Overview of peer review of teaching.

Course Syllabus
____ Identifies instructional resources - books, films, speakers
____ Outlines the sequence of topics to be covered
____ Describes evaluation procedures
____ Includes a class or activity schedule or calendar
____ Lists major assignments and due dates
____ Contains information about the faculty member, i.e. name, office address, office hours, phone number
____ Includes a statement or description of course objectives
____ Is structured to make information clear and easily understood

Assignments (as they appear on the syllabus or elsewhere)
____ Produce meaningful and challenging learning experiences
____ Include a variety of activities which are responsive to varying student interests, abilities and learning styles
____ Are appropriate to course objectives and content level
____ Are spaced at appropriate intervals in the course
____ Are challenging but not overly burdensome
____ Prepare students for more complex courses in the subject

An Ungraded Copy:

____ Contains content consistent with course objectives - in other words, the instructor is evaluating students on what she believes they ought to be able to do or know
____ Contains items written so that the intent of the questions is clear and explicit
____ Covers manageable amounts of material in terms of time allocated for studying it
____ Requires analysis and application of content as opposed to regurgitation of details

A Graded Copy:
____ Includes written comments which give some feedback about both right and wrong answers
____ Presents written comments that are clear and readable
____ Includes some explanation of how exam scores were calculated

____ Are appropriate to course level
____ Are clearly related to course objectives
____ Are generally acceptable in terms of departmental standards
____ Present content in a systematic and logical order so as to enhance the understanding of someone unfamiliar with the topic
____ Present material interestingly to encourage reading

Supplementary Reading Lists
____ Contain relevant and current material
____ Supplement course content
____ Include content that is challenging yet not inappropriately difficult
____ Specify location of supplementary materials
____ Include information to direct reading in terms of its relationship to course content

Lecture Outlines (provided students)
____ Communicate a sense of proportion and detail that is consistent with content
____ Provide enough information to assist the note-taking process without making note-taking unnecessary
____ Include space for students to write additional information
____ Are enhanced by lecture presentations in class

Study Questions/Review Materials
____ Prepare one to perform successfully on exams
____ Cover content that is covered on the exam
____ Are designed so that their completion facilitates student retention and understanding
____ Do not force students to focus on large quantities of material that are irrelevant to exam content
____ Provide opportunity to practice problem-solving skills

Visual Materials (as in prepared slides and transparencies)
____ Illustrate content enhanced by visual representation
____ Are clear and "graphically" illustrate the content
____ Include written elaborations that are clear and easily read
____ Can be seen and read with ease everywhere in the classroom
____ Contain manageable amounts of material so excessive amounts of time are no required to copy the material down

Overall Conclusions
____ Compared with other course materials you have seen these are better than average
____ As demonstrated by these materials, the content selected for inclusion in this course is appropriate and justifiable
____ These materials communicate an appropriate level of instructor preparation and concern

General Comments