KT Canada Newsletter

26 November 2014

  1. KT Canada National Seminar Series - December 11th, 2014, 12:00-13:00 ET
  2. Introduction of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Online Course
  3. Upcoming launch of a Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition/ Lancement prochain d'un concours de Subvention de synthese de connaissance
  4. QuICR - Quality Improvement & Clinical Research Alberta Stroke Program

1. KT Canada National Seminar Series - December 11th, 2014, 12:00-13:00 ET

Please find attached, the poster, evaluation form and site attendance sheet for our December 11thsession of the KT Canada National Seminar Series lecture.


Accreditation: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada - Section 1: This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, approved by Continuing Professional Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto up to a maximum of 1 hour

Please join us for Knowledge Translation Canada National Seminar Series Session # 4 on Thursday, December 11th from 12:00-13:00 ET, with Linda Li.

.Dr. Linda Li is Associate Professor and Harold Robinson / Arthritis Society Chair at the Department of Physical Therapy, and Senior Scientist at the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada. She also holds a Canada Research Chair in Patient-oriented Knowledge Translation. Linda's research focuses on understanding the help-seeking experience in people with early inflammatory arthritis and evaluating models of arthritis care. She collaborates with digital media experts to develop and evaluate online tools, such as patient decision aids for promoting shared-decision making and interactive programs for coaching people to be physically active. Her research is currently funded by CIHR, The Arthritis Society, and the Graphics, Animation and New Media (GRAND) NCE.

Title of presentation: Patients in research 2.0: Successful cases on patient engagement and collaboration in health

Learning Objectives:
  • To discuss the emerging roles of patients / consumers in research.
  • To illustrate how to meaningfully engage patients in research using 2 recent arthritis projects.
  • To discuss lessons learned from patient-researcher collaboration.
*Please note the times in your local areas;
· Newfoundland 13:30-14:30 NT
· Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI: 13:00-14:00 AT
· Ontario, Québec: 12:00-13:00 ET
· Manitoba : 11:00-12:00 CT
· Alberta: 10:00-11:00 MT
· British Columbia: 09:00-10:00 PT

Session evaluation forms can be sent by email or fax to the attention of:
Gail Klein
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond Street (LKSI, 7th floor East Building)
Toronto, ON M5B 1W8
phone: (416) 864.6060 ext 77526
fax: (416) 864.5805
email: kleing@smh.ca

Save the Dates!

Winter/Spring 2015
January 8 - Lisa Dolovich
February 12 - Marie-Pierre Gagnon
March 12 - Janet Curran
April 9 - Holly Witteman
May 14 - Steve Gentles and Janet Jull

All session materials, including evaluation forms, slides and recording of the session will be made available at the KT Canada site within 5 business days:

Archived webcasts of past sessions are available at http://webcast.otn.ca, under public sessions.

This session is offered by WEBEX from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto.

All registration requests must be sent to Gail Klein: kleing@smh.ca by Monday , December 8 at 5:00 PM ET.

To register a site: please identify one person who will be in attendance and provide their email address to Gail Klein.
To register as an individual; please email Gail Klein.


Technical requirements: You need a computer with Google Chrome and a telephone or computer microphone or headset.

All Knowledge Translation National Research Network Seminars are available by LIVE and ARCHIVED WEBCAST, except where noted. Archived sessions starting in December 2014 can we viewed at: http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/education/seminarseries. Previous sessions can be viewed at:http://webcast.otn.ca (Under Public Sessions, Search: Knowledge Translation Canada Rounds; 3-5 days post session for archives). Slides, session posters and evaluation forms for this and previous sessions are available at: http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/education/seminarseries

2. Introduction of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Online Course

This is an introductory course on systematic reviews and meta-analyses and will be delivered online. It is co-taught by Andrea Tricco (MSc, PhD), Monika Kastner (PhD) and Sharon Straus (MD, MSc). The overall course objective is to teach about systematic reviews in general, as well as how to go about doing a systematic review. This information will be used by the students to conduct a systematic review in the topic of their choice, with guidance from the course instructors.

The course has been newly updated and will cover 16 modules in total. Each module consists of a video presentation, 3-5 mandatory readings, optional readings, and a mandatory quiz. It is recommended that each student conduct a systematic review while taking the course. In addition, there are two assignments related to developing a systematic review question and protocol.

Topics include:
  • How to formulate a review question
  • How to develop a review protocol
  • How to abstract data
  • How to appraise the quality of studies
  • How to perform a meta-analysis
Presented by:
The Knowledge Translation Program,
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute,
St. Michael's Hospital
Dalla Lana School of Public Health,
University of Toronto

January 12 to April 10, 2015

$1600 CAD

To register:
Please email Gail Klein

Download the course flyer

3. Upcoming launch of a Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition/ Lancement prochain d'un concours de Subvention de synthese de connaissance

SSHRC would like to take this opportunity to inform you of an upcoming Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition. This competition will be launched in support of the objectives of the Imagining Canada's Future initiative, with a focus on one of the six future challenge areas. The knowledge synthesis will address the challenge area of:What new ways of learning, particularly in higher education, will Canadians need to thrive in an evolving society and labour market?

These grants are not intended to support original research, rather they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge on the topic and the identification of knowledge gaps. The call for proposals is scheduled to be released on SSHRC's website in early January 2015, with an application deadline in late February 2015. Results will be announced in March 2015.

Up to 15 awards valued at up to $25,000 each will be awarded. The synthesis reports will be due no later than end September 2015 and award holders will be requested to participate in two workshop meetings in Ottawa. These will be scheduled in early Spring and late Fall.

We would greatly appreciate the circulation of this information to all potentially interested parties at your institutions and across your networks.

For further information, contact Jacques Critchley, Senior Program Officer, Future Challenges, at 613 992 5145 or IFCA-SICA@SSHRC-CRSH.GC.CA

Le CRSH aimerait profiter de cette occasion pour vous informer d'un prochain concours de Subventions de synthèse des connaissances. Ce concours sera lancé pour appuyer les objectifs de l'initiative Imaginer l'avenir du Canada et est axé sur l'un des six domaines des défis de demain. La synthèse des connaissances portera sur le domaine suivant : Quelles sont les nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage dont les Canadiens auront besoin, en particulier dans l'enseignement supérieur, pour réussir dans la société et sur le marché du travail de demain?

Ces subventions ne doivent pas servir à mener de nouveaux travaux de recherche, mais plutôt à soutenir la synthèse de connaissances existantes sur le sujet et l'identification de lacunes. L'appel de propositions devrait être publié sur le site Web du CRSH au début de janvier 2015, la date limite de présentation des propositions se situant vers la fin de février 2015. Les résultats seront annoncés en mars 2015.

Un maximum de 15 subventions d'au plus 25 000 $ chacune seront attribuées. Les rapports de synthèse devront être achevés au plus tard à la fin de septembre 2015 et les candidats retenus devront participer à deux réunions à Ottawa. Celles-ci devraient avoir lieu au début du printemps et à la fin de l'automne.

Nous apprécierions grandement que cette information soit transmise à toutes les parties potentiellement intéressées de vos établissements et de vos réseaux.

Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire, contactez Jacques Critchley, Agent de programme principal, Défis de demain, au 613 992 5145 ou IFCA-SICA@SSHRC-CRSH.GC.CA

4. QuICR - Quality Improvement & Clinical Research Alberta Stroke Program

QuICR is an AIHS Collaborative Research and Innovations Opportunities (CRIO) Team grant. QuICR is a pan Alberta stroke program that aims to improve stroke outcomes through rapid clinical and neurovascular imaging evaluation combined with fast treatment. We will focus on acute stroke (first 12 hours) and acute TIA/minor stroke (first 24 hours). There are three main components to this program:

  1. A clinical and imaging stroke registry that captures all acute stroke and TIA/minor stroke in Alberta
  2. Province-wide quality improvement and knowledge translation process focusing on access to care and speed of treatment
  3. Various clinical research projects that lead to new clinical innovation towards the main foci of this program
Download the information sheet.
