Financial Support & Advising

Students learning about financial literacy

Whether you need financial assistance from the start, or you find yourself a little short during the school year, the University of Alberta can provide support for your post-secondary financial needs.



Financial Literacy

Wondering how you are going to pay for your degree? We have compiled a number of available resources to help you learn more about your finances. These resources can help you gain a better understanding of your unique financial situation, and give you the tools you need to make it work for you.




Bursaries are non-repayable funds that help with academic and basic living costs for students who find themselves in financial need.



Emergency Funding

The university also offers has additional financial support programs in place for students encountering a sudden financial shortfall or unexpected expenses.

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Applications for undergraduate study are open. Check out the requirements and get ready to apply.

Applying to  the U of A

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