Metabolomics funding will help look into the future of diabetes patients

Nearly $3 million in federal funding has been awarded to the metabolomics researchers at the University of Alberta

27 January 2015

Nearly $3 million in federal funding has been awarded to the metabolomics researchers at the University of Alberta to aid Alberta's growing metabolism research industry. One-third of metabolomics companies are located in Alberta, the U of A housing the world's largest collection of metabolomic standards and data resources.

U of A professor David Wishart, Faculty of Science, said the possible implication of metabolomics research is huge. Metabolomics, the study of metabolism, has also been used to identify people who could develop diabetes 15 years before it happens. This will give doctors a clear advantage on how to manage a diabetes patient through preventative medicine.

For more details please visit the UA News articleFederal funding keeps UAlberta at forefront of metabolomics research