TeamCare presentation - Depression and T2D

29 January 2015

Please join us for our webinar presentation of the overall results of a collaborative care model for patients with depression and type-2 diabetes.

TeamCare Webinar Presentation

Thursday, February 5, 2015

11.00 - 11.30 MST

TeamCare was effective in reducing depressive symptoms in patients with type-2 diabetes through a nurse-led collaborative care model implemented in four Alberta Primary Care Networks (PCNs).

Our analysis showed TeamCare cost $571 more than active-control and $1,021 more than usual care. If additional resources are available, the greatest improvement in depressive symptoms for people with type-2 diabetes would be achieved through collaborative TeamCare.

We will be using Adobe Connect via Ualberta's eClass to broadcast the webinar. If you are having any difficulty visit visit the Adobe Connect support page.