Life as a student in the francophone community of Edmonton

Francesca El Ghossein left her native Lebanon in 2012 to join Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) where she felt at home immediately. She recently graduated from CSJ with a bachelor's degree in Science with a major in Biology and a minor in Physical Sciences. A lot has been achieved over her last four years spent in Edmonton. She shares her experience as a Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) student.


Enrolled into Campus Saint-Jean from Lebanon by Denis Fontaine, the Assistant Dean of Academic Administration, Francesca had no idea what life in Alberta would be like. To her greatest surprise, she had a warm welcome from Campus Saint-Jean, and within four years of studies, she was able to blend in and to develop strong ties in the community she adopted. "Whatever I become in life, I will make it a duty to promote the francophone community wherever I am," says Francesca.

In her first year of study at CSJ, Francesca was not aware of all the opportunities available to her. "I still was not very involved in my community, my family and I had just arrived in Edmonton, and we were still trying to adapt to our new environment. I took several courses, and it was a bit difficult to get involved in various student activities," she recalls pensively. But it didn't take long for Francesca to step forward and to become more involved in the community.

And for good reason! In her third year, Francesca became co-chair of World University Service of Canada (WUSC), a student movement seeking to educate their peers on socio-political and economic issues in the Third World. She explains modestly, "This is what allowed me to better understand the procedures of student clubs.". "I loved organizing events with the team, we had a lot of fun," says Francesca.

Her commitment to student activities is boundless. In addition to assisting her club, Francesca is also an English tutor at "La Centrale", a place where free academic assistance is given to students who have difficulties in certain subjects like English Language.

Her great achievements

When she is asked about what she takes most pride in, two things come to her mind. She first mentions her election as the vice-president of the Association des Universitaires de la Faculté Saint-Jean (AUFSJ) in spring 2015. "The various responsibilities of this position prepared me to be a better spokesperson for the students of CSJ. Throughout the recent academic year, I was their voice when it came to addressing different issues," says Francesca. She says this experience enabled her to know more students and to develop closer ties with her team. "We spent a lot of time together. It was really nice. We learned to know each other, we organized activities, and we had a lot of fun as well," she says.

The second most important thing that is humbling as well is the passion many Albertans have for their community. "I value the fact that we are all part of the Francophone community. It is this shared-value that connects us all, and I genuinely value this feeling of belonging," she says joyfully.

Feeling at home away from home

For this young woman, CSJ is undoubtedly a topnotch university. At the height of her academic journey, Francesca was able to create connections and great qualities. She highly appreciated that the staff was always available and supportive. "You are never left on your own. You can contact your lecturer or administrative staff members at any time, and you still get the necessary support," says the young graduate. "The community is strong, close-knit," she says enthusiastically.

Francesca was moved by the hospitality of the CSJ people. "In the corridors, everyone knows you and smiles at you. It can happen that someone does not know you, but will still smile anyway, just because CSJ is a very welcoming place," she maintains.

Looking forward!

Ambitious by nature, Francesca dreams of an outstanding career in law. She feels a real attachment to the city of Edmonton and wants to stay here. However, she maintains that her professional interest will not prevent her from leaving the provincial capital of Alberta if she has to do so to pursue her academic career. That said, Francesca retains only good memories of her stay at Campus Saint- Jean. "We feel at home, I truly feel at home here," concludes the former student with some nostalgia.

Her stay at Saint Jean may be over, but it will not be so for at least another year. In March, she was elected as Vice -President (Student Life) of the Student Union of the University of Alberta for a one-year term. For this reason, she will certainly come to CSJ from time to time...