Water quality best practices

Facilities and Operations conducts water quality sampling in university buildings to ensure the availability of safe drinking water, but there are steps we can all take to minimize our risk of contamination.

Here are some key best practices for drinking water on campus, especially in older buildings:

  • Get your water from a water bottle filling station, fountain or kitchen
    Don’t drink water from bathrooms or labs
  • Do not use hot water taps for drinking, making coffee/tea or cooking
    If you need hot water, heat cold water instead
  • Run water for 30-60 seconds before drinking
    And if it’s first thing in the morning, wait at least 3 minutes
  • Departments can provide portable filtered water jugs or bottled water

Questions about water?

For a specific maintenance concern
Submit a request

For questions about water quality
Contact Environment, Health & Safety: ehs.info@ualberta.ca


Download the full Water Quality Best Practices