Graduate Student Award

As part of the Nursing Research Chair in Aging and Quality of Life Strategic Plan, an annual graduate student award is available. One $5000 University of Alberta Graduate Nursing Student Award will be awarded to a thesis student in the area of research in aging and quality of life. The award will be based on GPA, full time status, and experience. Preference will be given to students entering a MN or PHD program. If you are interested in being considered for this award, please contact Pauline Paul.

The description may include clinical experience/courses taken, community activities/volunteer experience, research engagement, presentations, and leadership/committee membership related to aging and health. Students should contact their advisor/supervisor for assistance in preparing this nomination package.

Deadline for applications is August 1st of each year, or the following business day.

Graduate Student Award Recipients

2017 Recipient: Brittany Elliott
2016 Recipient: Kelly Negrin
2015 Recipient: Uira Wisnesky
2014 Recipient: Stephanie Chamberlain
2013 Recipient: Jacqueline Crandall
2012 Recipient: Nasreen Lelani
2011 Recipient: Mehvash Qureshi