Fair Dealing Symposium 2019 - Registration Open!

As part of Fair Dealing Week 2019, the University of Alberta Copyright Office will be presenting a one-day symposium on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Registration for this FREE event is now open.

Copyright Office - 7 December 2018

The University of Alberta Copyright Office presents

Fair Dealing Symposium 2019

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Register HERE

Morning Sessions - 0900-1200; Maple Leaf Room, Lister Centre

Myra J Tawfik
EPICentre Professor of Intellectual Property Commercialization and Strategy, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor; Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

Situating the Learner within the Copyright Paradigm: Fair Dealing in Historical Context

This presentation will explore the emergence of copyright in Canada in the early 19th century as a policy vehicle for the encouragement of literacy and learning. This contextual history affirms the centrality of fair dealing within the copyright paradigm.


Brianne Selman
Scholarly Communications & Copyright Librarian, University of Winnipeg

Copyright and Chill - Faculty Films and Fair Dealing

As well as looking at some of what has been learned through dealing with faculty questions about using copyright-protected materials in the making of documentary films, this presentation will look at the larger impacts when researchers do not feel able to exercise their fair dealing rights - and what we all may lose out on thanks to this copyright chill.


Afternoon Sessions - 1330-1630; Maple Leaf Room, Lister Centre

Amanda Wakaruk
Copyright Librarian, University of Alberta

No shades required: the shadowy lines of fair dealing determinations

The nature of fair dealing deems bright-line rules inappropriate, but how well do balancing tests fare when real-world cases are presented to a roomful of copyright literates? Can we help each other survive the emotional turmoil of inconsistent application and reduced objectivity?


Chris George
President, CG&A Communications, a public relations firm established in 1994. Since 2001, Chris has served the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) Copyright Consortium. He provides counsel and services to assist provincial and territorial ministers' advocacy efforts with the federal government's copyright reform process.

Ottawa's Unfolding Copyright Reform Debate on Fair Dealing

In the Spring 2019 Parliamentary Session, MPs will table committee reports to advise the government on required amendments to the Copyright Act. It is important for educators to be informed of the details of Ottawa's copyright debates as well as the government's likely steps forward, so that they may better understand their own users' rights and the educational use of fair dealing.


This event is FREE, however registration is strongly encouraged for planning purposes.

Register HERE

The Event Poster is available here.

If you have any questions, or if you would like more information about this event, contact copyright@ualberta.ca.

Information about previous Fair Dealing events presented by the University of Alberta Copyright Office can be found here.

This event is part of Fair Dealing Week. For information of other Fair Dealing Week events, see: fair-dealing.ca/events/