Caitlyn Vanstone

 Caitlyn Vanstone KSR student profile

Student Name: Caitlyn Vanstone
Year: 3rd
Degree: Bachelor of Kinesiology

What is it specifically, that your program offers, that attracted you?

Stepping stone to some really exciting opportunities - I want to become an NSCA CSCS and I want to get into a physiotherapy masters program!

What were your biggest challenges of taking undergraduate classes, how did you overcome them?

Learning how to balance courses, working and a social life for sure. It took a lot of trial and error but I learned it’s okay to take a lighter course load and it’s okay to say no to people. (E.g. social events, picking up shifts at work)

What advice do you have for new undergraduate students?

Try to apply everything you’re learning to real life so it sticks with you. Every time you exercise think about which muscles you’re using and how, think about which energy system you’re using and why, etc.! Also, make sure you have a non-school related activity that you enjoy so you don’t burn out.

What do you like to do for fun or relaxation?

Right now I am loving spin classes and weight lifting to clear my brain between/after classes, or playing Among Us and calling everybody “sus.”

Why did you want to choose the photos above? 

A photo of me doing a just-for-fun competition at my local CrossFit gym (VO2Max) awhile back. I’ve gotten a lot of hands-on experience in the Kin domain from having a coach/taking classes there. When I’m not a broke university student I’d like to *attempt* to compete for real one day!