In Memoriam: Bill Code, Q.C. (LLB '56)

Former president of the Law Society of Alberta made significant contributions to the community and legal profession.

Law Communications - 7 May 2016

The Faculty of Law mourns the passing of William Everett Code, Q.C. (1932-2016).

Mr. Code, a former bencher and president of the Law Society of Alberta, attended the University of Alberta where he graduated with a BA in 1953 and a LLB in 1956. During his distinguished legal career, Mr. Code practiced at Fenerty, before forming Code Hunter with Alan D. Hunter in 1971. Mr. Code was the court-appointed inspector into the business and legal affairs of the Principal Group, a legal proceeding that came to be known as the Code Inquiry (1987-89).

Mr. Code will be missed by his family and many friends and colleagues. In lieu of flowers, the Code family encourages donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta.

For more information on Mr. Code's contributions to the legal profession and the community, visit his obituary on the Calgary Herald website or read a profile of his career on the Globe and Mail website.