Dr. Anna Lund Honoured with Distinguished Service Award from the Edmonton Community Legal Centre

Faculty members Lund and Lewans recognized for pro bono work and service to the community.

Law Communications - 10 May 2016

The Edmonton Community Legal Centre (ECLC) is an organization that provides advocacy and access to justice in a supportive environment to persons living with low income. On April 28, Dr. Anna Lund was honoured by the ECLC with a Distinguished Service Award for her pro bono work at the Centre. Dr. Lund is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law and is joining the Faculty as an Assistant Professor on July 1, 2016. The ECLC's Distinguished Service Awards are presented each year at the organization's annual general meeting (AGM) to ECLC volunteers and supporters who have contributed significantly to the organization or client service. Also recognized at the ECLC AGM was Associate Professor Matthew Lewans, who sits on the organization's board of directors. A number of Faculty of Law students also actively volunteer for the ECLC.

The Faculty of Law is proud to recognize the contributions of its faculty and students to such a worthy organization as helping to build healthy communities is an important part of the legal community's professional responsibility. Congratulations, Anna!