Professor Annalise Acorn Speaks at All Souls College Oxford

Professor Acorn participated in the 50th anniversary celebration of the Visiting Fellowships Programme.

Law Communications - 4 July 2016

On June 24, 2016, University of Alberta Faculty of Law Professor Annalise Acorn participated in a celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the Visiting Fellowships Programme at All Souls College Oxford. Prof. Acorn was invited to speak about her experiences as a Visiting Fellow at the college in 2014-15. Her remarks can be found at minute 45 of the program, available online here:

The anniversary celebration featured remarks from distinguished academics on how the Visiting Fellowship Programme had evolved over 50 years, and included other academic presentations on a variety of topics, including the ancient world, understanding the universe, and literature and the mind.

Prof. Acorn earned her BCL at University College Oxford, and in 2009 was an HLA Hart Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Ethics and Legal Philosophy. She spent her recent Visiting Fellowship working on her latest book, Resentment and Responsibility.