Prof. Linda Reif Co-authors Latest Edition of Distinguished Reference Book

Text interprets international law through a Canadian lens

Helen Metella - 16 October 2019

Linda C.Reif, the Faculty of Law's Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, is a co-author of the newest edition of an authoritative and widely cited textbook about international law.

Kindred's International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 9th edition, focuses on the experience and practice of international law from a Canadian perspective. For decades, it has been referenced by the Supreme Court of Canada and by the country's lower courts because it delivers a comprehensive overview of the foundational concepts, principles, sources, and institutions of the international legal system, and examines specific subject areas of contemporary importance. Kindred's is also a leading textbook in law school international law courses.

Reif has been a co-author of the book since its fifth edition. The ninth edition was co-edited by Phillip M. Saunders and Robert J. Currie of Dalhousie University and the other co-authors are Payam Akhavan, Jutta Brunée, Gib van Ert, Ted McDorman, Frédéric Mégret, Ikechi Mgbeoji, Karen Mickelson and Christopher Waters.

In addition to chapters on the foundational areas of public international law, this edition also contains chapters on protection of the environment, law of the sea, international human rights law, international criminal law and international humanitarian law.