Communities of Learning

The MD Program provides students and faculty with opportunities to grow together within communities of learning

… a strong learning community “sets the ambiance for life-giving and uplifting experiences necessary to advance an individual and a whole society”

As part of the MD Program, communities of learning provide students with opportunities for mentored study in selected areas of interest relevant to medicine: social justice, medical/health humanities, and research. In-depth exploration of these areas complements the core curriculum by providing a means for translating personal interests and activities into scholarship.

Is this part of the MD Program curriculum? Yes, although it is an optional component in which medical students participate on a voluntary basis. No additional tuition is required to participate in a community of learning.

Requirements, processes, and structures of the different communities of learning vary. Students should carefully review the information provided below about the three communities and contact faculty leads with any questions. To request acceptance into a Community of Learning, a student must be in good standing with the MD Program.