Mission and Vision


The mission of the IDEAS Office is to: (1) provide training, mentoring, and collaboration to help the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) faculty members (including FSOs, special continuing faculty, & clinical faculty) and trainees in the health professions establish and/or maintain successful methods of scholarship and teaching in the area of health professions education (HPE); (2) provide a faculty-wide or even college-wide platform – the IDEAS Office - to support major scholarly contributions in the discipline of HPE scholarship; (3) provide services (i.e., training, mentorship, and collaboration) for HPE scholarship; (4) help to increase the number of HPE presentations and publications produced by members of the FoMD; and (5) to establish a nationally recognized HPE Scholarship Office within the FoMD.


The vision for the IDEAS Office is to foster a community of health professions education (HPE) scholars and to create an environment for members to meaningfully contribute to the IDEAS Office, the FoMD, and the greater HPE community through curriculum development and evaluation and other forms of HPE scholarship.