Sexual Harassment

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry is committed to providing an environment conducive to learning and working, and to ensuring that individual rights are respected. Discrimination in any form is unacceptable. Sexual harassment is an intolerable form of discrimination that can be devastating to the victim, both professionally and personally.

Sexual harassment, as described by the Office of Safe Disclosure & Human Rights of the University of Alberta, is:

  1. Unwanted sexual attention by a person who knows or ought to know that such attention is unwanted;
  2. Implied or expressed promise of reward for complying with a sexually oriented request;
  3. Actual reprisal, or an implied or expressed threat of reprisal, for refusing to comply with a sexually oriented request;
  4. Actual denial of opportunity, or an implied or expressed threat of denial of opportunity, for refusing to comply with such a request; or
  5. Sexually oriented behaviour, gender-based abusive and unwelcome conduct and/or comment when it has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment in which the student or staff member studies or works.

Sexual harassment may occur between students, students and resident learners, or students/resident learners and faculty members. The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry has zero tolerance toward sexual harassment, and considers this a grave offence that may result in discipline, including dismissal of the harasser.

The faculty will investigate all complaints. Concerns of sexual harassment should be reported and will be treated confidentially.

Please contact the Learner Advocacy Office (780-492-3092) if you have any concerns in this area.

The following resources are also available to you: