Phase one of Shared Services launches

28 July 2021

This week, the Shared Services unit launched the new Staff Service Centre.

A number of HR activities are transitioning from faculties and units to the Staff Service Centre, including employee data changes, payroll, pension, and benefits. Please ensure staff in faculties and units who do HR activities know to direct these types of inquiries to the Staff Service Centre.

The Staff Service Centre replaces the HR inboxes (,, and previously used for these inquiries.

By the time the model is fully implemented—anticipated March 2022—we do not anticipate any full-time HR roles remaining in the faculties and units. As activities begin to move, please review the remaining responsibilities of your administrative staff. You may need to review whether some roles remain in faculties and units. We’ve received a number of questions about how to deliver services when staff move before work does; this may be an opportunity for remaining staff to take on other duties (within the scope of their current job descriptions). Please speak with your HR Service Partner about association/union considerations before having any conversations with your staff. Please encourage staff whose roles will be impacted to apply for HR positions posted to the Position Opportunities Page (POP).