Educated Luncheon: Type 1 Diabetes and the Patient Experience

Dec. 6, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Maple Leaf Room, Lister Centre, 87 Avenue and 116 Street, Edmonton AB

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Type 1 diabetes is an incredibly expensive chronic disease for Albertans. With the rising costs to daily living, people with diabetes face additional challenges in accessing timely person centered healthcare for diabetes. Researchers at the University of Alberta and Alberta Diabetes Institute share their work that focuses on uncovering the raw experiences of living with type 1 diabetes and navigating Alberta’s health system.

11 a.m. - Check in opens
11:30 a.m. - Lunch is served
12 p.m. - Lecture

Space is limited. Registration will close when the event reaches capacity, or on December 4, 2023.



Jamie Boisvenue ('19 MSc) is a PhD Candidate in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. Originally trained as an epidemiologist, Jamie has worked in the area of chronic disease including metabolic syndrome and heart disease for more than 10 years. Jamie uses a holistic approach to health services research by involving people living with type 1 diabetes and working in diabetes care as partners in the entire research process. His research specifically focuses on understanding the type 1 diabetes lived experience in how Albertan’s interact with health systems and engaging the public in creative ways to communicate science.

Jasmine Maghera ('19 BSc) is a PhD Student at the University of Alberta, under the supervision of Dr. Patrick MacDonald. Jasmine’s research focuses on unraveling the complexities of stem cell-derived β-cells (SCβs) and their potential in treating diabetes. Embracing a collaborative approach to scientific inquiry, Jasmine actively engages with individuals living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) to tailor her research towards meaningful outcomes.

With a 15-year personal journey with T1D fuelling her passion, Jasmine is a strong advocate for the T1D community. Jasmine's involvement with organizations like "I Challenge Diabetes" and "Kids'n'Us" has been pivotal in empowering, educating, and connecting those affected by T1D. Her leadership role as an Outreach Director and committee director have contributed to creating impactful support systems and accessible resources for those living with T1D. Jasmine's commitment extends to the arts, where she channels her creative energy into crafting artwork designed to inspire self-confidence and challenge perceptions surrounding T1D.


$15 (includes lunch and lecture)
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