2018-2019 GSA Key Achievements

Read the GSA President's letter and find out what the Graduate Students' Association achieved last year in this high level overview.

26 April 2019

Message from the GSA President: 2018-2019 Key Achievements

Dear Colleagues,

As I approach the end of my term as GSA President, and my three years with the GSA as a Directly-Elected Officer, my team and I have prepared a high-level overview of some of the goals our team achieved this year with our 2018-2019 GSA Board Strategic Work Plan.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me: gsa.president@ualberta.ca. The new team of GSA Directly-Elected officers will begin working on 1 May on their 2019-2020 Strategic Work Plan, which will be released in July, following a consultative process with graduate students. Keep an eye on the GSA newsletter for ways to get involved with these consultations.

Finally, I would like to thank all of our members who supported my team this past year.

Sasha van der Klein, GSA President