Department Practices


At its meeting of May 12, 1982, the Department of English approved two changes in titles previously used with reference to bodies in the Department: the Department Meeting would henceforth be known as the Department Council Meeting, while the previously named Department Council would henceforth be known as the Chair's Advisory Council. These changes were necessitated by new regulations accepted by General Faculties Council on October 16, 1981. 

Following the adoption of the new titles the minutes of Department Meetings necessarily became the minutes of the newly named Department Council, and the minutes of the former Department Council became those of the newly named Chair's Advisory Council. For the sake of consistency, and in an attempt to reduce confusion to a minimum, the present revision of Department Practices refers to the two bodies under their current names only. Readers of the Practices should, however, be aware that where reference is made to a decision of the present Department Council prior to its meeting of December 13, 1982, the source will be found in the minutes of Department Meetings; where reference is made to a decision of the present Chair's Advisory Council prior to its meeting of September 29, 1982, the source will be found in the minutes of the Department Council. 

The following abbreviations are used in reference throughout this revision: 

DC:  Department Council

CAC:  Chair's Advisory Council 

Prior to 1977, dates alone are often given to indicate the introduction of practices.  A specific record of the source of the decision may not have been made or kept.  These references were accepted in the 1977 revision of Department Practices as having authority and are, therefore, incorporated herein.

Current Department Practices

Click here to see archived earlier versions of Department Practices.