Meta Epi

Methodological Factors RCTs

Examining the Impact of Methodological Factors on the Magnitude of Treatment Effects in Dental and Nursing Randomized Controlled Trials Using a Meta-Epidemiological Approach

Start/End Dates: 2014 - 2015

Investigators: Cummings GG (PI), Flores Mir C, Armijo-Olivo S, Egger M, da Costa B, Juni P, Saltaji H, Straus S.

Funder: UA/AIHS Bridging Grant

Grant Amount: $40,000

Description: This study seeks to measure the association between methodological characteristics and treatment effect estimates in dentistry and nursing RCTs. Determining the influence of RCT and specialty characteristics on treatment effect estimates will allow us to develop guidelines for the design, conduct, reporting, and implementation of RCTs in dentistry and nursing. This study will also provide specific benchmarks for evaluating risk of bias for these RCTs.

It is a continuation of Dr. Armijo-Olivo's CIHR Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program project ($175,000), Informed Decision Making in Health Care: the Impact of Research Methods on Treatment Recommendations.
